Yes, it can be seen. These are whitish stains located between two teeth at the neck part. You can find stainer tablets and solutions labelled ‘disclosing tablets’ or ‘disclosing solution’ in the market, making it easy to spot bacteria plaques.
Here is how the plaque forms:
- First protein attaches onto teeth with saliva.
- This protein chemically creates dextran from sugar, which is abundant in mouth flora.
- Dextran holds on to this protein plaque and creates dental plaque.
- This newly formed plaque cannot be rinsed off with mouthwash.
Pawns of decay (bacteria) are now ready! Next, bacteria will make their move on to enamel. They attack from two sides:
- Some bacteria will convert sugar into acid, disrupting inorganic enamel structure, while
Another group of bacteria create enzymes decomposing organic parts of enamel.
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